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“Uranium5ive” consists of 5 students from Universiti Tenaga Nasional and is established for a class project of the Introduction To Nuclear Technology subject. The purpose of this project is to create awareness among people especially Malaysian and to share any information about Nuclear Energy. Come join us with open arms and support our team, give your opinion and speak out your mind whether you agree or not about Nuclear Energy. Daily information will be updated everyday, so stay tuned and spread the word about us.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nuclear Talk 2011: An Evening with Prof Dr Michihiro Furusaka


On 8th December 2011, a Nuclear Talk organised by MEHB513: Introduction of Nuclear Technology’s Coordinator, Assoc Prof Dr Nasri Abd Hamid in collaboration with Mechanical Department, College of Engineering UNITEN has been held successfully on 8th of December 2011. The talk intended to broaden local students view on the current nuclear technology as has been developed by other country.

The Talk has been delivered by Prof Dr Michihiro Furusaka, from the Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hokkaido, Japan. His main interests of research are neutron science, instrumentation/neutron radiation source and the device. Currently, he does actively involve in new mini-focusing small angle neutron scattering instrument.

Prof Michihiro Furusaka

His major involvement in various researches, by naming some examples; development and applications of neutron optical devices, neutron scattering instruments and electrical optical devices based on piezoelectric single crystals have been an eye-opener for the students.

Neutron scattering??

From Wikipedia, Neutron scattering is the scattering of the free neutrons by matter which require physical process and experimental technique for the investigation of materials in which very important in nuclear engineering.

Nuclear scattering devices usually come with very large sizes. Prof Furusaka himself has invented smaller neutron scattering device. This device employs focusing mirror analogous to normal magnifier to focus the neutron beams. Instead reducing spaces and allows wide neutron scattering experimentation, the result obtained from the test also more precise with high definition images produced.

Large-scaled neutron scattering device-SANS@JRR3 (Image: M. Furusaka)

One simple advantage by implementing small-scaled neutron scattering device; it minimise the sensor area to perceive the neutron scattering. The small-scaled neutron scattered device as has been developed by Prof Dr Furusaka is mfSans instrument. By using a neutron focusing technique, like the ellipsoid mirror that has been developed, a very compact SANS instrument has been made. In fact, many other devices have to be developed, such as high intensity monochromator, beam  branching device and detector with high resolution and high efficiency of count rate capabilities.

The prototype of SANS@JRR-3 and the small scaled netron scattering device; mfSANS@JAR-3 shown in figures below:

(Image: M Furusaka)

A very precious one hour of knowledge sharing with Prof Dr Michihiro Furusaka! It was very informative presentation, covering wide range of topics; the neutron scattering, short life nuclei and their implementation in cancer screening and the application of neutron matters in Apoptosis. Special thanks goes to Prof Dr Michihiro Furusaka for spending his evening with UNITEN students for presenting his remarkable works. Not forgotten, our lecturer; Dr Azlan Mostafa for his knowledge and experiences sharing during MEHB:513 lectures, thank you sir! 

Hopefully, more informative nuclear engineering related talks can be organised in our beloved UNITEN. 
Domo arigato gozaimasu, minasan! 

Do enjoy this video for further explanation on the small-angle scattering. =)

Source: HUCC.hokudai

Japanese love small things...
-Furusaka Sensei-

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